Psychological Testing

Our practice is based on decades of experience in school psychology and diagnostic assessment. We feel it is imperative to understand each client's individual needs, culture, and to use comprehensive information to complete the assessment process.

The psychological assessment process is a combination of gaining information, generally through an interview, of one's social, emotional, and behavioral functioning and developing a hypothesis. This is followed by the use of tests to gain an understanding of the whole person through targeted assessments to reveal specific strengths and weaknesses. We use all available information to develop hypotheses to make a targeted plan for intervention and success.

The testing process for school-age children may also include psychoeducational assessment and evaluation. These evaluations look at school and home functioning, cognitive processing, achievement, social skills, emotional and behavioral functioning, as well as other information to help the child be as successful as possible. Our evaluations align with the guidelines under the Individuals with Disability and Education Act (IDEA), which can be used by schools to determine special education eligibility and support. Evaluations may also assist in the eligibility and development of a Section 504 accommodation plans. We can complete Independent Educational Evaluations (IEEs) when families disagree with the outcome of school-based evaluations. Further, our evaluations can be used in conjunction with medical history to assist physicians in diagnosis and medication intervention (if necessary).

Evaluation Process

Psychological assessment usually requires approximately 5 to 10 hours of face-to-face contact with the client. A psychologist will meet with an individual to gather background information and administer the testing instruments.

  • Clinical Interview with client/parent.
  • Review of all available records including medical, mental health, school, etc.
  • Consultation with needed specialists.
  • Testing with standardized assessment batteries.
  • Comprehensive report writing with recommendations.
  • Review of evaluation with results to client/parent.

Types of Assessments/Evaluations:

  • Cognition/Processing abilities
  • Memory and Learning
  • Dyslexia
  • ADHD
  • Autism
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Social/Emotional and Behavioral Functioning
  • Executive Functioning
  • Achievement (academic skills)
  • Adaptive Behavior
  • Social Skills
  • 504 Evaluations (school or work based, ACT/SAT)
  • Gifted
  • Visual Motor Integration


  • Executive Function Coaching

If the client has recently had testing, a partial battery of tests may be available.


What is psychological assessment?

The psychological assessment process is a combination of many different psychological techniques to help develop some hypotheses about a person and their cognitive, social, emotional, and behavioral functioning. Psychological assessment seeks to provide diagnostic clarification, develop treatment recommendations, identify personality strengths and weaknesses, aid in the development of educational planning, and provide understanding into human behavior.

Who is qualified to conduct psychological assessments?

At Biltmore Psychological Evaluations is a team of specialists that work together to assess, diagnose, and make recommendations for the individual being evaluated. The team of specialists may be made up of licensed and certified psychologists, speech language pathologists, behavior specialists, occupational therapists, and occupational therapists. An Arizona licensed psychologist leads the team in any diagnosis as a result of the assessments given.

What age ranges do you evaluate?

We evaluate school-age children, adolescents, and adults. Children can be evaluated starting in preschool through the 12th grade.

What does a psychological assessment entail?

Psychological assessment usually requires approximately 10 hours of face-to-face contact with the client. A psychologist will meet with an individual to gather background information and administer the testing instruments. The duration, type, and intensity of testing will depend on the specific referral question. While the client will complete the majority of the testing, the parents, and/or current therapist may be asked to complete some measures. Objective testing instruments entail the psychologist asking direct questions to the client, client's parents, or therapists about the client's functioning. Projective measures involve the presentation of ambiguous stimuli and the psychologist interprets the client's responses. At the conclusion of testing, the psychologist will provide a comprehensive written evaluation and verbal feedback to interested parties.

How much does a psychological assessment cost?

Psychological assessment is a highly specialized area of psychology that requires extensive training, a significant amount of time, and expertise. The cost of psychological assessment depends on the type of assessment being conducted and the instruments used to answer the referral question. We provide competitive pricing for high quality assessments being conducted. All assessments include a comprehensive written report. The cost of evaluations range from 2,000 to 4,500, which is the typical rate for such assessments. Please contact us to discuss your evaluation to determine your specific cost.

What are the types of psychological assessment?

Cognition/Processing abilities, Memory and Learning, Dyslexia, ADHD, Autism, Anxiety, Depression, Social/Emotional and Behavioral Functioning, Executive Dysfunctioning, Learning Disabilities, Social Deficits, 504 Evaluations (school or work based, ACT/SAT), Gifted, Visual Motor Integration

What is a psycho-educational evaluation?

A psycho-educational evaluation is the process by which trained individuals work with those involved in a child's learning or development to identify the child's strengths and weaknesses. The goal is to enhance everyone's ability to help the child be as successful as possible.

What questions can a psycho-educational assessment answer?

Such an evaluation can answer many questions. For instance:

  • What kind of learner is my child?
  • Why is my child struggling in one subject, but not in others?
  • Why have my child's grades declined?
  • Why is my child misbehaving in class?
  • Why does my child cry at the thought of school or doing homework?
  • Why does my child appear disorganized and "lazy?"
  • Why is my child so nervous?
  • Why is my child struggling to make friends?
  • Why do I have to repeat myself over and over to get my child to do something?
  • Why is my college student struggling with the demands that are placed on them?

How long does a psychological assessment take?

Timing of testing depends on the availability of the client, referral sources, and parents. If all parties are available and willing to move forward, testing can take as little as one week. If there are delays due to clients' resistance, scheduling conflicts, or incomplete testing procedures, testing could take slightly longer. We strive to provide written feedback within 5 to 10 days of the completion of testing.

Can the evaluations be done virtually?

Yes and no. There are parts of the evaluation process that will be obtained through rating forms, email or phone correspondence, and video conferencing.
It is ideal to conduct an initial interview in person, however, depending on your comfort level, this can be done via video or phone call. Most standardized assessments are completed in person, however, some are transitioning to remote administration. Depending on the person and type of evaluation, the face-to-face time could be anywhere from 3 to 10 hours.

Will I receive a copy of the report to take to my school or physician?

Yes. The copy of the evaluation is provided in the cost of the evaluation. You will receive a secure, electronic copy of the evaluation and one physical copy as requested.

What is provided in the psycho-educational evaluation for kids?

Evaluation reports include background and developmental history, teacher feedback, assessment of abilities (cognitive functioning), assessment of academic functioning, social-emotional functioning, and any other assessments based on the referral reason (ie adaptive behavior, executive functioning). Test scores and interpretation are provided. The information is summarized along with any potential IDEA eligibility (or 504) as well as recommendations.

Do you provide counseling?

Counseling is provided to adults only at this time through our sister company, Biltmore Psychological Services with Dr. Potter and associates.

How do I prepare for the day of testing?

It is important to get enough sleep the two nights prior to testing. Tiredness can bring about more frustration, fatigue, and distractibility in the problem solving process. A well balanced meal before testing is imperative. Please refrain from consuming refined sugars within two hours of the testing start time.





8:00 am-7:00 pm


8:00 am-7:00 pm


8:00 am-7:00 pm


8:00 am-7:00 pm


8:00 am-7:00 pm





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